First post!
Hi readers. I've never wanted to do any sort of blog before, but since I'm heading off to Europe for a month, I figure, what better way to keep a photojournal/diary/update on my trip. So that's what this will be. Frequency of updates during my trip will vary depending on my schedule, and my ability to find computers with Internet connections. Frequency of updates after my trip will probably be very very low. So enjoy it while it lasts. I leave tonight, so expect updates after I get there.
Bonus points go to the first person who figures out the sources of the Blog title and URL.
23/06/05 - 24/06/05 - in transit 24/06/05 - 26/06/05 - Paris * 26/06/05 - 09/07/05 - Montpellier * ??? 20/07/05 - in transit
Jas gave me this link today, neat!
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