Thursday, June 30, 2005

Just a quick update. So, I'm travelling for a week after this and the question is where to? For sure I'm going to Italy (Cinque Terra, Florence, and Venice), Amsterdam, and Germany (Munich and Frankfurt). The thing I have to decide right now is whether to go back to Paris for 2 days or go down to the Cote d'Azur, aka French Riviera. What do you guys think? I've been to both, back when I came with the 8th grade French class. I was in Paris last week for 2 days. What do you think? It would be Bastille Day in Paris, or just the Cote d'Azur a few days before that and I wouldn't even be in France for Bastille Day. Opinions? Post as comments, or email me if you don't have an account. Thanks. Especially helpful from those who have been to both.


At 4:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was in Paris a few (4) years back on Bastille day, and it was pretty fun. If you like a whole lot of rowdiness, then I'd recommend Paris for sure. As for the Cote d'Azur, my only recommendation for that place is if you are looking to get an infected toe, they'll fix you up proper. Although, I did like Menton. It wasn't very flashy, but it was nice.


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