Wow, look at me: I'm so chic, at an Internet cafe and posting online. I feel so European. Ok; whatever, I'd feel happier not paying for internet. Although, 1 € for 1 hour ain't half bad.
First of all, I expect more posts now because I just changed the parameters to allow people w/o blogger accounts to comment. So yeah, NOW I expect comments all the time.
Sorry, no pictures today. I'm just stopping in Centre-Ville (the area where Ive taken all my pictures of Montpellier) on my way home from the beach and didn't bring my Ipod USB cord. So yeah, I'll just have to entertain you with my words.
Class is going well. The other day, we discussed commonly held stereotypes of different countries of the students in the class. I'm the only American, and boy did they have fun when they got to the USA. The usual, fat American, arrogant American, Bush, all those came up. This president of ours really is giving our country a bad name. I want to personally thank all those Americans who voted for him (either time) for making our country look bad for those of us who actually like exploring the world outside our borders. I know there isn't much of an overlap between the two groups (Bush-lovers and those who think there exists a world not part of the USA), but yeah, thanks.
This program is really neat because I'm finally surrounded by people who really love learning languages. I think I actually probably speak the fewest languages here. The biggest group are the Swiss Germans and they speak their weird Swiss German, now some French, and some English too. The Germans here speak English as well, and so do the Nordic people. And the majority of the people here are just learning languages cause it's fun. Not because they need it for something, or because they think it impresses people, but just because it's fun. Exciting to finally find such a group of people. Really encourages me to keep on learning languages even after school is done.
Stepping down from my high horse now, it looks like I won't be working in SF starting in August after all. I still have to work a few things out, but it looks like I'll be working about 40 minutes south of where I thought I was going to work. Anyone have any suggestions as to what I should tell -----? Gonna be tough.
I've found this lunch food I really like. This baguette with bell peppers and chicken. Good stuff.
Hey, where's my horse? There it is. I need to get back on it for a minute, although it's not really that. In America, we're a lot more conservative and prudish than the Europeans. I'm the only one here getting shocked by blatant public make-out sessions, topless ads in newspapers and old topless women on the beaches. Ok, I think others are unhappy about the last one too...
I feel like I've been having so much to talk about, but now that I'm on a computer, I've got nothing.
The evenings have been pretty fun. Every night meeting up and bar hopping. Last night was hanging out at a park, drinking and chatting. I'm really semijealous of this one English girl who's taking a year off to travel around the world. That seems pretty awesome. I think in this city there's about one CD with music that goes around. Thats the only way to explain the love of Its Raining Men, Pretty Fly for a White Guy, and other weird songs.
Some others here may be heading for Marseille this weekend, in which case, I might choose the Cote d'Azur over Paris. Also, Paris is kinda crazy on Bastille day. Anyway, still taking suggestions.
Ok, end of long post. Am now watching who's reading, so you better comment. :)
I had been in Paris on Bastille Day, watching the fireworks in some park. It was quite nice, and I recall that the French were not as flag-crazy as the Americans. You should catch one leg of the Tour de France if you can, to get a first-hand experience of the fans' interest in cycling in Europe.
For the rest of your trip, I suggest doing less city-hopping and give yourself more time to savour the cities you do visit.
Have fun and don't try to drink like the Germans.
Most people I've known who went on EAP this past year seem to have found a similar response to America/Bush. Anyway, it sounds like you're having fun. Keep us updated!
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